
What is Chemistry?

Chemistry studies the properties and behaviors of matter, including its composition, structure, and transformations —allowing us to better understand how the world is made.

The Course

Our chemistry course will cover the basics of the subject, building up from the smallest units of matter to larger and more complex ones. Ideal for those aiming to take more challenging chemistry courses at school such as Honors Chemistry and AP Chemistry.

Topics (as defined by NGSS) covered within the course include:
(Note that each topic will not necessarily be covered in 1 week's class session. More complex topics that include many subtopics, most notably bonds and cell structure, may take multiple weeks to cover in detail.)

  • Atomic Structure

  • Elements

  • Bonds

  • Molecular Structure and Ions

  • Periodic Trends

  • Electron Configuration and Orbitals

  • Reactions

  • Biochemistry

  • Stoichiometry

  • Acids and Bases

  • Nuclear Chemistry

  • Gas Laws